1700. That's the number of visitors who came through the museum today. On Easter no less! I'm assuming that we were one of the few places open today. Because of the holiday, none of the Italians were working and I was recruited to be Kid's Day Capo thanks to my art ed background and stellar Italian (to be read with not a small amount of sarcasm). The concept for the art project was not my own but I was responsible for explaining it and for taking the kids on a tour through the museum in a way that related to the project. Most of the fifteen children were Italian but there were a few English speakers as well. This meant I had to explain everything once in Italian and then again in English! It went surprisingly well!
Che belli ragazzi!!!
E che bella insegnante!
I just noticed that you are about the same size as the kids. Actually some of them might even be taller than you.
Wow, what a wonderful photographer you had with you! *wink*
The first picture makes me believe you were about to touch your eye- and I know how you feel about that.
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