We opened the door to a disaster scene. Blood splatters covered the blinds and entryway curtain and the walls were painted Red Cross red. In fact, the ceiling had a giant red cross built in with a recessed spotlight that illuminated the red bed. There was an IV pole, a doctor's office lamp and an x-ray lightbox with a gruesome surgery image. The room was also supplied with two nurses uniforms. The strange thing is that no other room that we've seen had such a disturbing motif!

Julia and Kelly Oh's room is called "Far From Home" and is covered floor to ceiling with nature wallpaper. Sandy's room has maps with You are Here dots on them and a giant one on the bed and Visnja's room resembles a Levi's dressing room, with real jeans pockets on the wall. Kelly V and I decided that we could handle our room for one night but made sure we could switch out for the second. This one was called "Being Mac One."

Capetown, which is the real point of interest, is a lot more city-like than I had expected. This morning as Sandy and I had breakfast in a coffee shop, we felt more like we were in Wall Street than in a foreign city. Today we tried to go to Robben Island but the ferries weren't running and in fact, the cell where Nelson Mandela stayed is currently not available for public-viewing. We spent the early afternoon at the waterfront and then went to the National Gallery which was really beautiful.

Then we took a drive part-way up Table Mountain and saw all of Cape Town below. My photos will never be able to depict how gorgeous the view from there is, but tomorrow I'll take more as we plan to take the cable car up to the top!
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